Prague commercial space for rent, Prague 1 - Nové Město, Václavské náměstí street

Disposition: Office, Size: 104 m2 (1119 sq. ft.), 2nd floor, Unfurnished
35 000 CZK per month + Utility Bills / 1 440 EUR per month + Utility Bills
Domovní poplatky 6.000,-Kč/měs. + převod energií na nájemce. Cena včetně 1 garážového stání. Kauce 2 nájmy. Utilities CZK 6.000,-/month + energies are transferred to tenant. Price incl. 1 garage parking place. 2 months rent refundable deposit.
Unfurnished office space of 103,9 sqm in Wenceslas square. House with reception 24/7. Renovated office space is located on the 2nd floor of renovated building with elevator. It consists of 3 rooms, kitchen and 2 toilets. Floating floors. Gas heating. Satellite and high-speed internet available. Lucrative location on the top part of Wenceslas square.
ID 4364