Prague commercial space for rent, Prague 1 - Staré Město, Malé náměstí street

Disposition: Office, Size: 150 m2 (1614 sq. ft.), 2nd floor, Unfurnished
58 725 CZK per month + Utility Bills / 2 417 EUR per month + Utility Bills
Nájemné 14,50 EUR/m2. Poplatky 125,-Kč/m2 + převod energií na nájemce. Kauce 3 nájmy. Ceny bez DPH. Price of rent EUR 14,50/sqm. Utilities CZK 125,-/sqm + energies are transferred to tenant. 3 month rents refundable deposit. Prices without VAT.
Representative office space of 150 sqm in the Old Town. Space is located on the 2nd floor completely renovated luxurious, historical building with an elevator. Building with reception and 24-hour security. It consists of 5 rooms, 2 toilets and kitchenette. There is a cooling, phone lines, Internet and cable trunking, central ventilation system. Openable windows. On the floor is carpet. In the historical center of Prague with excellent transport accessibility, 3 min to the tram stop Staroměstské náměstí, 5 min to the metro station A - Staroměstská.
ID 7536