Prague commercial space for rent, Prague 5 - Smíchov, náměstí Kinských street
Disposition: Office, Size: 231 m2 (2486 sq. ft.), 4th floor, Unfurnished
56 133 CZK per month + Utility Bills / 2 310 EUR per month + Utility Bills
Nájemné 9 Eur/m2, Poplatky 75,-Kč/m2 (17.325,-Kč/měs.) + převod energií na nájemce. Kauce 3 nájmy + 3 poplatky. Ceny uvedeny bez DPH.
Unfurnished attic office space of 231 sqm in Smíchov. The space in very good condition is located on the 4th floor of building with elevator. It consists of 8 offices, kitchen (without equipment) and 2 toilets (for ladies and for men). Parquets. Central heating. Building with reception. Lucrative location close to metro B - Anděl.
ID 3806