Prague commercial space for rent, Prague 1 - Nové Město, Senovážné náměstí street

Disposition: Office, Size: 233 m2 (2507 sq. ft.), 1st floor, Unfurnished
116 500 CZK per month + Utility Bills / 4 794 EUR per month + Utility Bills
Cena je 500,- Kč/m2, Poplatky zahrnuty v ceně (cca 200,-Kč/m2). Ceny uvedeny bez DPH. Kauce 1 nájem. Price is CZK 500,-/sqm, Utilities are included (aprox. CZK 200,-/ sqm). Price is without VAT. 1 month refundable depozit.
Office space with an area of 233 sqm at Senovážné Náměstí. Offices are situated on the 1st floor of a brick building with elevator. It consists of 3 rooms and 3 conference rooms, a kitchen unit, bathroom with shower and toilet. Rooms are air-conditioned. Internet connection (Wi-Fi), camera system. Offices for rent from 10.36 sqm to 50.14 sqm available in the building. The possibility of renting space on each floor (1-5). Very good accessibility, at tram stop Jindřišská, 7 min to metro station C - Hlavní nádraží.
ID 5945