Prague commercial space for rent, Prague 2 - Vinohrady, Záhřebská street

Disposition: Office, Size: 55 m2 (592 sq. ft.), Basement, Unfurnished
9 500 CZK per month + Utility Bills / 391 EUR per month + Utility Bills
Poplatky 3,7 EUR/m2. Parkování 3.000,- Kč vč. DPH/měs. Kauce 2 nájmy; Utilities 3,7 EUR/sqm/month. 2 month rents refundable deposit. Parking CZK 3.000,- incl. VAT.
Unfurnished office space in Vinohrady. Office space has an area of 55 sqm and is located in the basement of representative building. It consists of 2 rooms, kitchen and toilets. Entrance into the building 24/7. Possibility to rent a garage parking. Close to metro station A - Náměstí Míru.
ID 2909